
Former Lord Chancellor blasts rushed Assisted Dying Bill as “unworkable”. Find out more


Course requirements

Digital and technological resources and requirements

For general computer hardware, students are recommended to have access to a computer which can access the latest browsers (see below). This will enable them to access wider institutional software, including Microsoft OneDrive, Blackboard Collaborate Conferencing System, Panopto Multimedia Player and the Library Systems. The computer (laptop or desktop) should be multimedia enabled with a webcam. Students are also recommended to have a headset with built-in microphone.

Illustrated (Minimum) specification

Operating System
• Windows 10, 11, macOS 10.13+

• Intel i5

• 8GB

• 128GB

• Minimum 640 x 360 resolution

• Separate headphone set

Internet enabled
• Wi-Fi 2.4GHz or 5GHz or Ethernet Connection

• Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge (preferred)

Internet access
The learning model will require you to collaborate and interact online. Therefore, if you are using a laptop we would recommend that you are able to connect this to your Internet Router and use an Ethernet cable.

What software will I likely use at 52avav?

At 52avav we use a number of core learning technologies within our learning, teaching and assessment models. The following lists key systems with links to their required technologies:

Can I use a Chromebook?

Currently, we do not recommend a Chromebook as these are not fully supported by all our Digital Assessment platforms.


To be able to effectively sit online assessments, it is expected that students have a typing speed of 30-40 words per minute, the average typing speed for adults. This will enable them to successfully complete the assessments within the given timeframe. If students are unsure as to the speed of their typing, they may wish to self-assess their typing speed by using the following online tool:

It is recommended that an external Bluetooth or wired keyboard should be utilised, as this provides a better typing position. Students may also wish to investigate the use of ergonomic keyboards, if required.

Support for Students

University of Law Inclusion Plans (ULIPs)

The University has a dedicated Disability and Inclusion Service to assist students in accessing the programme. We encourage students to share information about disabilities and health conditions with the University as early as possible and preferably prior to starting the course so that adjustments can be put in place as early as possible. Medical and / or diagnostic evidence should be provided along with confirmation of any Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) funding. Upon receipt of this information the Disability and Inclusion Service will create a University of Law Inclusion Plan which will detail any course and exam / assessment adjustments. These are then communicated to campus-based Disability Liaison Officers, lecturers and assessment offices to implement the adjustments.

The University is able to provide diagnostic assessments with an Educational Psychologist for students suspecting a Specific Learning Difference (SpLD) for example: Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, and Dyscalculia. The student will incur a small contribution fee of £75. Once completed the Disability and Inclusion Service can put in place a University of Law Inclusion Plan detailing the relevant adjustments to the course and assessments.

The Disability and Inclusion Service can advise you on how to obtain DSA, we recommend you apply as soon as possible. If you are eligible you can . For more information please visit our disability micro-site or contact [email protected]

Library & Learning Skills Support

As a student you can get support from a range of experts within Library & Learning Skills. They can help you to study smarter by helping you with:

  • Study skills - such as managing your time, revision and exam technique, and effective learning strategies
  • Research skills - such as locating relevant articles and cases for your subject area, and how to reference
  • Digital skills - such as assessing your digital capabilities, and identifying next steps

You can work through a range of self-directed online resources any time via the Skills Academy or attend a programme of webinars, an online drop-in or an individual 1-2-1 appointment (all bookable online).

These resources and booking for live events are accessed via the Library and Learning Skills web page which also has our contact details.

Course Demands

Some of our courses have additional digital and technological resources and requirements, please refer to your course’s Course Demands document for more information.