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Finance Analyst

What is a finance analyst and what do they do?

A financial analyst will gather financial data and analyse this to identify useful trends and patterns, to enable forecasts and projections of likely outcomes relating to the sector, services or products under review.

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What are the different types of finance analyst?

There are many different types of financial analyst. Some are general and can look at any data in the context of company performance - whereas others work in more specialist fields which rely on detailed knowledge of certain markets and the way that they operate.

Examples include:

  • Investment analyst - helps companies develop or maintain effective investments that meet their financial goals
  • Equity analyst - works in the securities industry, such as pension funds or wealth management
  • Treasury analyst – helps with the management of company finances
  • Budget analyst – monitors finances to asset with budgetary decision.

What qualifications are needed to become a finance analyst?

There is a strong core of maths and statistics which favours those who have studied relevant courses in business, economics, accounting and mathematics. Other subjects, such as sciences and computing, which develop the ability to make use of large quantities of data, are also particularly relevant.

At 52avav, we offer these courses to help you to become a finance analyst:

What skills do you need?

Core skills needed in this role include:

  • Ability to understand complex financial and numerical data
  • Analytical skills to make sense of the data and draw conclusions
  • Strong IT skills to utilise programmes used to generate and present information
  • Attention to detail and strong communication skills.

How do you become a finance analyst in the UK?

The main recruiters of finance analysts will be investment companies, banks and other financial institutions. However, every business has financial transactions and those that analyse, review, project and act are likely to make better decisions for their future than those that don’t, so there are relevant roles across the commercial sector.

How much do finance analysts get paid?

Salaries will vary widely based on the exact nature of the role, the employer and level of experience. Entry level positions may have a salary of only £20,000 per year, whereas graduate roles in large organisations are likely to be significantly more. With experience, typical salaries will be £30,000 -£50,000 per year, and more for those in management positions.

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